Andrew Highfield

Financial Adviser & Partner

as part of St. James’s Place Wealth Management.

I provide financial advice and wealth management to
busy 6 & 7 figure professionals and business owners, on their terms.

I help you to get on top of the things you’ve been putting off for years, to fit around your schedule, so that you can spend time on the things that matter the most.


I’m Andrew Highfield

Financial Adviser & Partner for St. James's Place Wealth Management.
The FTSE 100 listed, and one of the largest Wealth Management companies within the UK,
managing in excess of £184bn for over 1 Million clients.

“I’ve been in the industry for over a decade, and through my work, I help to build and maintain the wealth of 6 & 7 figure earners and their families.

My aim is to make financial advice accessible to those
who have previously been too busy to fit this into their schedules,
typically due to work or family commitments.”

I do this for circa 160 families, through;

  • Both Virtual or face-to-face meetings in the City of London

  • A paperless process

  • Meetings that fit around your schedule

The key benefits of working with me

Get around to the things you know you should be doing

Those things you’ve been putting off for years, we’ll take these off your plate and together, get them ticked off in a matter of weeks.

  • Pension Review - to ascertain whether it still meets your needs

  • Analysis of what retirement will look like and how much you need to be putting away to get there

  • Optimising cash, stocks & investments

  • Protecting you and your family

  • Getting a Will* put in place and your estate optimised

Tax efficiencies
to make your
money work harder

Let’s help get some of that hard earned money back in your pocket

Together we will create an investment strategy which means your money will be optimised to work for you,
as opposed to against you.

There’s no obligation to get our exact recommendation

Go through our two step process, get the full information and my exact plan for how we would help solve your problems.

If you decide at that point that we’re not for you, walk away with our recommendation
at no obligation

All you’re set to lose is a couple of hours of time.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.

*Will writing involves the referral to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James's Place. Wills are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

We bring financial advice
into the 21st century.

“We can get everything we need at the tap of a button nowadays, why should we let our finances live in the dark ages?”

We are a hybrid service, so whether you want to meet a financial adviser face-to-face, virtually or in-person, we’re here for you.

Gone are the days of taking time out of the day, and travelling to get financial advice.

What’s the process?

Step 1:
Setup your consultation

We’ll work out what really matters to you, and what’s currently in the way of your money working hard for you.

An opportunity for you to ask those burning questions and understand what it takes to build financial success.

Step 2:
Together we create the optimal plan

We build a detailed cash flow model of your financial future, showing you exactly where you are, and what steps we need to take to help you reach your goals and objectives.

Step 3:
Sit back and watch your money go to work

Once we’ve executed the plan, you can sit back and relax, with the weight off your shoulders, knowing that everything is working for you, without you having to work on it.

We’ll catch up regularly to review the plan and to help keep you on track to
achieving your goals.

Don’t just take our word for it

Here’s what my clients have to say;

The sooner you take action,
the sooner your money can start
working for you